Paper Quilled Flowers

Doodle Flowers and try to paper Quill them

To day I challenged my self to doodle flowers. while I was sketching some, I considered that I should paper quill those flowers. Then I colored them to get an idea on how they will look after paper quilling. I used color pencils , because I can color them quickly that way. 

These are my hand drawn and colored flowers. There's no need to color it perfectly.

flower doodle

I started quilling my favorites first, and this is the result. I cut the drawings and placed them near the paper quilled ones for clear view. I redesigned some flowers while quilling and some are kept unchanged.

paper quilling flowers

paper quilling flowers

I couldn't finish all of them, but I hope to finish them within 2 to 3 days. There are 16 more flowers to quill.
I'm so happy with today's work. I plan to paper cut these flowers to check which method is more attractive. 
As I have to go to my job tomorrow I will make them after coming home. Hope you enjoy my work. 


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